Carrier Relations Seminars
Free Money! Negotiating & Analyzing Contingency Contacts
Contingency contracts vary tremendously in quality, how much they pay, and the type of business they reward. Every agency has the opportunity to increase profits by $5,000 to $500,000 without making more sales. The keys are to increase contingency income by placing business strategically and/or negotiating additional income. In this seminar, the audience learns how to use these keys to increase their compensation by tens of thousands of dollars in pure profit!
As the industry expert on contingency contracts, Chris discusses the following:
How and what to negotiate to gain additional compensation
Negotiating tips and techniques
Critical aspects to look for in a contract, such as: reserve takedowns, expense loads, and performance thresholds
How to identify common errors
Contract provisions that benefit, and others that detriment, an agency
As companies demand more and more premium volume, agencies are having greater difficulty obtaining and keeping carriers. Because of this, Chris can expand this presentation to include:
Obtaining company contracts
Seven evaluation categories for choosing the best companies
Costs of rolling books of business
Costs and benefits of doing business with fewer companies
Participants walk away from this eye-opening presentation with the information they need to build stronger, more secure relationships with their companies and increase their pure profit by working smarter, not harder.
Managing Carrier Relations
Without insurance companies, what would agencies have to sell? Nothing! Obviously, then, effectively managing carrier relationships is essential. Additionally, managing them well can greatly improve an agency's operations and profitability.
This seminar takes audience members through an in-depth look at the many aspects of carrier relationships and offers a long list of suggestions improving carrier relations. A few of the topics covered include:
Carrier Stability, including:
Warning signs of instability
Differences between claims paying ratings and insurer stability
How stability effects behavior
Agent's obligations to their clients
State of the Industry
Evaluating carriers
Getting companies to pay more
Knowing your contingency contracts
How automation and technology effect carrier relations
Improved carrier relations result in many benefits. Companies get first shot at new business, less competition, and increased profits. Agencies get better underwriting, greater productivity, lower E&O exposure, increased profits, and fewer book rolls!
Evaluating Carriers
Agencies have a great opportunity to increase their profitability and improve their operations by working with fewer carriers. However, when an agency trims down their number of carriers, they must choose those carriers carefully and build strong relationships with those that remain.
This seminar discusses the benefits of working with fewer carriers and covers the many factors that must be considered when carefully selecting carriers. Such factors include, carrier stability, carrier ratings, carrier operational performance, and the agency's performance with each carrier. Audience members also learn the keys to building strong carrier relationships and tips for getting companies to pay more.
The bottom line is a long list of benefits for companies (less competition, first shot at new business, increased profits…) and a long list of benefits for agencies (better underwriting, greater productivity, lower E&O exposure, increased profits, and more)!